With a stitch-stitch here and a press-press there, so began the 2012 San Mateo County Fair - or at least the part we BAMQGers were interested in: the Quilt Show! BAMQGers found out about the fair only two months prior to entries being due, and it was a mad sewing dash to the finish - at least for some of us! - to complete what we wanted to enter and turn it in. As it turned out, our members were very ambitious and prolific in a short period of time, resulting in a fabulous representation for our first foray into the San Mateo County Fair.
Our talented members entered in a variety of areas. First there was a group of us entering in the Challenge section of the quilt show. With a requirement of six entries for any challenge showing, we had eight BAMQGers who braved the fair judges and entered our quilts from our 2011 Kona Challenge. The Kona Challenge was open to any member who wanted to participate. The quilter received a charm pack of Robert Kaufman’s Kona Bright solids. With that charm pack you could create any size quilt, but could use only other solids with it. Here is the Wall of the BAMQG Kona Challenge, Eight Quilts Total:
The BAMQG quilts took first, second, and third place amongst the entire Group Challenge quilts in the fair! That deserves some close up shots, don’tcha think? First, some shots of the ribbon winners:
Two Margaritas by Ruth Beeby, First Place ribbon winner
Kona Challenge Quilt by Jaye Lapachet, Second Place ribbon winner
Modern Peel by Adrianne Ove, Third Place ribbon winner
And here are close up shots of the remaining 5 BAMQG Kona Challenge Quilts:
Angela Obeso & Cynthia Marshall
Amanda Materne & Rhonda Ludwico
The BAMQG was also well represented in several other divisions - in fact, we didn’t know how well until several of us went to the fair and found out by looking! Some were even ribbon winners in their different divisions. We obviously have some modest members in our guild, but their beautiful works will be outed here:
Blocks of Crazy by Michelle Boyd
Echino Challenge quilted bowl by Michelle Boyd
Homeward Bound, Third Place ribbon winner by Michelle Boyd
Night Gallery by Leona McCann
Leona McCann’s First Place ribbon-winning Asian Quilt
Leona McCann’s Honorable Mention ribbon winner “Circle of Life”
Cynthia Marshall’s Second Place ribbon winner “Crazy Eights in Purple”
Christine Crawford’s quilted wall hanging
Christine Crawford’s “Just Peachy”
Christine Crawford’s “Celestial Views”, Third place ribbon winner for Best Use of Color
Marci Gore's "My Secret Garden"
And finally, because all you’re seeing is quilts quilts quilts (and who says that’s a bad thing?) we had to end with a great shot of one of our members actually WITH her quilt. Here is Angela standing with her beautiful Kona Challenge quilt:
We hope we got everyone’s quilts that were in the fair, but if yours slipped through, don’t be shy - let us know! And send us a photo of it if you snapped one.
Thanks to all who entered the 2012 San Mateo County Fair - it was great to see the BAMQG so well-represented, with so many winning quilts. Let’s do it again next year!
1 comment:
Awesome work, everyone! Congrats on all the prize ribbons and on bringing modern quilting to the county fair! Now I've got to find my local fair and see if they've got a quilt show...
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