New Officers
Sign ups have been posted for our 2013 Officers and Coordinators on the Forum. Come on over and tell Adrianne which one you want!
Remember: Many hands make light work. Everyone can contribute. We need all of your talents, even if you have a small amount of time. How will you contribute?
Lots of swap fun is in the works: Pincushion Swap and Fat Quarter Swap
The Pincushion Swap is "extra-guildular" and is being hosted and coordinated by the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild. Each person who wants to participate will make a pincushion in the modern aesthetic. Please do not include anything breakable, put it in a plastic zipper bag and bring it to the next meeting, labeled with your name, blog and/or email address and a description of the filling. These will be send to KC and they will send us a box back.
Fat Quarters will be swapped at the December meeting. Bring a wish list to Amanda on November 3 with your color, fabrics wishes and we will swap 5-8 FQs at the December meeting. You will paired with someone else in the guild and commit to bringing 5-8 FQs for your partner, new (unless someone requests an out of print fabric, of which you have a piece) and prettily wrapped.
Whole Cloth Challenge
Thanks to Aurifil for sponsoring this challenge.
Show & Tell, as usual exhibited the great talent of the guild. A separate post will be written with more photos and details of the show and tell for October. Stay tuned.
A-B-C Challenge
- Ruth's QuiltCon block was chosen for the QuiltCon raffle quilt. Read more about her selection on the blog post and more about the QuiltCon Block Challenge in this series of posts.
- Thanks to Warm Company for donating batting for the door prize.
- The BAM series will continue with binding at the next meeting (November 3). If you have a unique way of binding or something about binding you would like to share, contact Rhonda.
Calendar Reminders:
- PIQF is next week, October 10-14
- Charity Sew Day October 21
- BAMQG Meeting, November 3, 1-5
- FQ Requests due to Amanda, November 3
- Pincushions due to Adrianne, November 3
- Binding Demo, November 3
- Sew Day, November 17
- Black Friday Sew-in November 23 on Twitter (hashtag #BFSI)
- BAMQG Holiday Party and Sew Day [Meeting], December 1, Los Altos Library (note change of venue!)
- FQs for Swap due December 1
- A-B-C Challenge tops done, December 1
- Shower of Stars, SCVQA Show, April 21-22, 2013
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