Monday, July 13, 2015

Meeting Saturday!

Saturday, July 18, starting at 1:00 pm -- we'll be meeting at the Redwood City Library, in the upstairs community room. 
Things to bring:
*Your name tag
*Finished Hawaiian quilts!!
*Charity blocks and quilts
*Small Group projects (Tula blocks, Hand Quilting)
*Checkbook -- pay your dues! 
*Calendar: there are lots of BAM happenings and your talents are needed
*Information about local/national quilty happenings
*Non-messy snacks
*Enthusiasm and a positive attitude! 
In addition, we will be having a lecture by Sherri Lynn Wood! Yay! Sherri will have copies of her book or bring your own and she will be signing them after her talk.  
Please note: this list is not necessarily all-inclusive. It's quite likely there's something important that's been left off, so if you think of something that should be added, please speak up! 
There will be lots of time to visit, too, especially after the meeting. So plan to stick around and have some fun! Meet new friends, chat with old friends, and eat some yummy snacks!
If you have any questions, please reply here, or see an officer at the meeting

Members can visit the BA Modern Ning site. Join to become a member!!!

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