Thursday, February 9, 2017


  1. 1.
    a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
    informalguinea pig
    "each volunteer was tested three times"
  1. 1.
    freely offer to do something.

    "he volunteered for the job"

Gift bag for outgoing VP Gerre, made by Kelly. Photo by Gerre Davis.

According to the Corporation for National and Community Services, volunteering provides health benefits in addition to social ones.

“Perhaps the first and biggest benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community and country.

The intangible benefits alone—such as pride, satisfaction, and accomplishment—are worthwhile reasons to serve. In addition, when we share our time and talents we:
• Solve Problems
• Strengthen Communities
• Improve Lives
• Connect to Others
• Transform Our Own Lives”

Research has established a strong relationship between volunteering and health: those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer (full report here:

In BAMaQG, we know the importance of volunteering to support our guild! Whether it’s chairing the BAM meetings as President, heading up the Charity Committee in making quilts for the NICU and wheelchair bound seniors, or piecing those 2.5 inch squares, we appreciate and need you!

Charity quilts sewn in the Cobalt Room, 2016 retreat. Photo by Anna Lapid.

Volunteering can have other benefits as well. For example, BAM members recently showed their appreciation of 2016 guild officers by making and then filling up some very nice goody bags (if I do say so myself).

Gift bag for outgoing VP Lynette, by Jaime. Photo by Lynette Bartel.

BAMaQG is run ENTIRELY by volunteers! volunteering is fun, improves your health, and can have additional benefits like free candy and fabric! Sign up to assist in any way you can and help make out guild a better place for everyone!

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