Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February Meeting Reminder

Here's a friendly reminder that our Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild meeting will be held this Saturday (February 15), at the Redwood City Library. The meeting is scheduled to start at 1:00. 

Things to bring:

*Show 'n Tell
*Personal Challenge Item (Radiant Orchid project)
*Scrap Swap Bag filled with yummy fabric goodness for your swap partner
*Your name tag
*Charity blocks and quilts
*Enthusiasm and a positive attitude! 

Please note: this list is not necessarily all-inclusive. It's quite possible there's something important that's been left off, so if you think of something that should be added, please speak up! 

After the meeting, from 3:30 - 5:00, there will be Sewcial Time! Please bring a project -- cutting, handwork, binding, design. The Charity Committee will have a project for us, too, so plan to stick around and have some fun!. Meet new friends, chat with old friends, and eat some yummy snacks!

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