Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Meeting TODAY in Los Altos

Here's a friendly reminder that our Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild meeting will be held today, March 15, at the Los Altos Library. The meeting is scheduled to start at 1:00. Please note: this is also a BAM Sew Day, and you may arrive as early as 10am and stay until 11pm to work on projects. 

Things to bring:

*Show 'n Tell
*Personal Challenge Item (Paper Pieced project)
*Triangle Challenge Projects
*Your unwanted fabrics/notions/threads for the Destash/Restash Party!
*Your name tag
*Charity blocks and quilts
*Non-messy snacks
*Enthusiasm and a positive attitude! 

Please note: this list is not necessarily all-inclusive. It's quite possible there's something important that's been left off, so if you think of something that should be added, please speak up! 

The Charity Committee will have a project for us, too, so plan to stick around and have some fun!. Meet new friends, chat with old friends, and eat some yummy snacks!

If you have any questions, please reply here, or see Kelly at the meeting. 

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